
自從Midnightcryart.com綱站公佈後,很多人希望能買到Jean Long 的"讓畫說畫"系列中的畫和"神國降臨"系列中的旌旗,為滿足每位尊貴顧客的需求,我們設立了訂購印畫和旌旗的訂購單,方便有意訂購者填寫你們的需求項目。

Shane Long 現任天意藝術創作公司的稍售部總經理,若需查詢訂購資訊請與Shane Long 先生聯繫。



Since our website has been released,many people want to buy Jean Long’s Let’s Paintings Speak series of paintings and The Kingdom Flags series of flags, to meet the needs of our dear friends and customers, we set up the Price for the print of artworks and the the Price for Flags. To make it easy for prospective purchasers pleas fill your order request  in the Order form that we provided.

Shane Long, Artist Jean Long’s son is the general manager of Sanctity Art Workshop Company, any questions and request please contact Shane Long.

Thank you for your love and support!
The ministry team of Let the Painting Speak

Shane Long

Sales Manager

Contact phone: 1 778-321-5664

高清印刷油畫 HQ Print Oil Paintings

神國降臨旌旗系列 God’s Kingdom Flags
旌旗尺寸: 96cm X 144cm 含1支旗桿和旗袋子

每面售價 : $100

Flag Size: 96cm X 144cm Including:1 Flag pole, Flag Bag

Price: $100

Note: 價格不含畫框和運費 Prices do not include frames and shipping

發貨地址 Shipping Information

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