炳稀畫 Acrylic Painting 

Size: 20″ X 24″

SKU#: OP0031


The Four Living Creatures

2012年6月來到台灣,參加 “興起發光”高雄回家聚會。聚會前,章長老問了我,可以畫四活物嗎?我從沒想過畫四活物,神也沒給過我這方面的異象,所以這件事情就放在一邊了。章長老的邀請我7月再來參加在翡翠灣举辦的敬拜音樂節,7月15日應該是我上飛機的日子, 但我却把日期看錯了, 結果沒搭上飛機,這事令我很懊悔, 為此我向神認罪悔改,神也再次的提醒我要警醒!感謝神,衪的恩典夠我用,讓我趕上下一班的飛機,最終也能趕上了敬拜音樂節的服事。在確定趕得上飛機之後,心安定了下來,神便對我說:要看以西結書裡的四活物。其中敘述着:北方飄來的雲,帶著火光,四活物有鷹,獅,牛,人臉的形象,各有翅膀,底下是火,往同一個方向飛行…
耶和華的榮耀必然顯現, 凡有血氣的, 必一同看見, 因為這是耶和華親口說的 (以賽亞書40:5)

In June 2012 I came to Taiwan to attend the Arise and Shine Gathering in Kaohsiung. Elder Chang asked me before the meeting if I could paint the four living creatures. I had never thought of that before and God had not given me any vision, so I laid the matter aside. Then Elder Chang invited me to participate in the July Worship Festival in Taiwan. However, I missed my flight on the day of the flight and I felt really remorseful. I repented to God and He reminded me to be watchful. Thank God His grace was sufficient for me. I caught the next flight and arrived in time for ministry in the Worship Festival.
After I made sure that I would be able to catch the next flight, I settled down and God spoke to me: Look at the four living creatures in Ezekiel. There it spoke about the cloud with flashing lightning from the north, the four living creatures with the faces of an eagle, a lion, a bull and a man, their wings with fire underneath, and how they moved in one direction…
Then God taught me how to compose the painting and how to use the colors. He told me to integrate the expressions of God’s glory in my other paintings to give a full picture of His glory and radiance in this painting. The four living creatures are the full expression and manifestation of His glory and radiance.
Thank God, He supernaturally enabled me to complete this painting on the day I flew to Taiwan for the Worship Festival. May all the praise be given to the God of glory!
Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all flesh will see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken. (Isaiah 40:5)

Painting by Jean Long in Vancouver BC

July 19, 2013