炳稀畫 Acrylic Painting

Size:20″ X 24″

SKU#: OP0020


God Keep Our Land

這畫是在2014年7月1日國慶節畫的,是根據詩篇72:5-8 的經文而畫。
感覺天父很喜悅加拿大的國歌,每天在加拿大這塊土地上都在釋放God keep our land的宣告;想到這點,身為加拿大人因此深感驕傲;也為我們有一位敬畏神的總理而驕傲。
天上的大光照耀,聖靈的恩雨降下,加拿大在神大能的手中,因為神與我們立了約,God keep our land! 上帝護衛加拿大!衪是守約施慈愛的神。太陽還存,月亮還在,人要敬畏你 ,直到萬代。祂必降臨,像雨降在已割的草地上,如甘霖滋潤田地。在衪的日子,義人要發旺,大有平安,好像月亮長存。祂要執掌權柄,從這海直到那海,從大河直到地極。

2015年6月2日十位加拿大華人基督教領袖參加國會山莊會議時, 把這幅畫: God keep our land送給加拿大總理 Stephen Harper
This painting was completed on Canada Day, July 1st, 2014 by Artist Jean Long, It was painted according to Psalm 72: 5 – 8 from the Holy Scriptures.
We feel that God is very pleased with the Canada national anthem. Every day in this land of Canada, the declaration “God keep our land” is being released. Pondering upon this, we feel deeply proud to be Canadians. We are also very proud to have a Prime Minister who fears the Lord.
May God’s anointing and protection be upon Canada as she moves into His perfect will and destiny!
May Heaven’s light shine, Holy Spirit’s grace shower, and Canada be in God’s almighty’s hand because God has a covenant with us as we declare “God keep our land!” He is a God who keeps covenant and lavishes His love on us. His presence is always with us; there is nothing to fear.
They shall fear you, as long as the sun and the moon endure, throughout all generations. He shall come like rain upon the grass before mowing, like showers that water the earth. In His days the righteous shall flourish, and abundance of peace, until the moon is no more. He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth. (Psalm 72: 5-8)
Painting by Jean Long in Vancouver BC
July 1, 2014