炳稀畫 Acrylic Painting

Size:20″ X 24″

SKU#: OP0025


The Great I Am

The Great I Am 向敬畏祂的人顯現,讓我們曉得祂是誰,並認識自己是誰.

“他們唱新歌,說: 你配拿書卷, 配揭開七印; 因為你曾被殺, 用自己的血 從各族、各方、各民、各國中買了人來, 叫他們歸於神, 又叫他們成為國民, 作祭司歸於神, 在地上執掌王權。

The Great I Am, His name has more than 360 meaning, The Lord remind us: “Our God is the greatness and power and the glory and the majesty and the splendour,for everything in Heaven and earth is Him” (1 Chronicles 29:10-13) We should declare our God’s name as our prayer.

The fire of The Great I Am, His passion , love and mercy will lite up and melting His children’s heart, and healing the land. I believed, the fire of the burning bush that Moses meet had been changed ,When the time come all the nations will see the great I AM face to face in His presence, and all nation will bow down to worship Him.

What I see in it is the mountain of the Lord and while there are elements of the tabernacle of Moses, the ark . . . we have come to Mt. Zion and the city of the Living God . . .
We have come to the assembly of heaven, the heavenly throng and the Mediator of a new covenant, Y’shua. (Hebrews 12:22-24).

When I finished this artwork of The great I AM that morning, I was so excited and the holy Spirit filled me up with the fire, I saw the burning bush just at the front of me , I was overwhelming by the spirit of The Lord.

Step 27,2015, during the worshiping in Church of Zion, Holy Spirit moved me to declare : In your light we see light. That evening was the first day of Tabernacle,we celebration corporately with church’s in Vancouver. I had a vision: The Father, The Son,and The Holy Spirit as one in a burning bush, I heard an Angel declare : His is the Light, He is the truth, He is the way, He is the life. We should praise Him higher, Love Him deeper.

As well as I saw the Vision I quickly to draw a sketching of the burning bush, and I did the vision in painting late.

You are worthy to take the scroll, You are worthy to open its seals, Because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from very tribe and language (people and nation) to be a kingdom, to be priests, to reign on the earth, Oh Holy God to You be honour and glory, Hallelujah!

How wonderful ,How blessed the Great I Am Emanuel with us ! Praise our God ! He is the Great I Am !

Painting by Jean Long in Vancouver BC
Sept 15, 2015