炳稀畫 Acrylic Painting

Size: 20″ X 24″

SKU# OP005



主來的日子近了,再沒有時間在這將要過去的世界裡打盹.願我們的眼光如鷹般銳利, 性情如鷹般堅韌不拔, 跟隨主, 永不回頭!
你從水中經過,我必與你同在,你趟過江河,水必不漫過你,你從火中行過,必不被燒,火焰也不著在你身上,因為我是耶和華你的神,是以色列的聖者你的救主.( 以賽亞書43:2)

In the early morning of February 20, 2009, I wrote a letter to a pastor and his wife who are serving the Lord in Israel. I told them that the Lord had moved me to sell everything and to follow Him, and I was prepared to do so and move to Israel to join them in their work.
Shortly after I mailed the letter, a fire broke out in my apartment complex, and it kept burning for 12 hours. Through the mercy and protection of the Lord, all of the 72 people who lived in the complex escaped safely.
This major fire awoke me from my hesitation in fully following the Lord. The Lord is at hand. I should not fall asleep in this soon-to-be-over world. I repented in sorrow and tears about my lack of response to the Lord’s calling in the past.
One day, I saw a picture of an eagle on the internet. I was deeply moved by the eagle’s sharp vision and its spirit of perseverance. I have therefore used the symbol of the eagle as the theme for this painting. It so happened that this painting was completed on the anniversary date of the apartment fire. This painting thus became a reflection of my gratitude and appreciation of the Lord’s tender love and mercy towards me.
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.” (Isaiah 43:2, 3, NIV)
Lord, I believe. I believe in your love, your promise. I believe you will fulfill what you want to do through me.

Painting by Jean Long in Vancouver BC
February 20, 2009