油畫 Oil Painting

Size:30″ X 40″
SKU# OP0010



在我等候神的時候, 神讓我看到一個異象, 我恍惚看到天父正在爲衪的兒子預備婚禮 ,父神爲衪的兒子和新婦所作的每一幕是如此奇妙, 我的心深深地被神的愛所溶化.
感謝主耶稣!把心意啓示給衪的新婦(教會); 感謝錫安教會弟兄姐妹的鼓勵和代禱, 靠主的恩典, 在衪榮耀的同在里, 這幅畫得以完成; 榮耀歸給那愛我們, 等候我們成熟的三位一体真神!
這張畫描繪天父爲衪的兒子和衪的新娘預備的婚禮情景, 神的榮光充滿整個婚禮大堂, 新郎一主耶稣基督站在高處注視著, 等侯著衪的新婦, 衆天使圍繞著衪,從衪身上發出璀燦的光輝,金色的光芒洒照在天使,和周圍的柱子.
時候到了, 新娘的父親(我們的天父) 緊握著那年青, 漂亮和聖潔的新娘的手進入婚禮大堂, 衆天使興奮地見証這壯嚴神聖的時刻; 新娘一步一步與父親同行, 邁向站在台階上的新郎; 在婚禮的走道有一條很長, 很長打著結的紅線從新郎腳前一直延伸到禮堂的門口, 看到新娘每一腳步都踏在這紅線的結上; 新娘的後面有一位天使, 手拿著新娘走過的紅線測量著她走的每一腳步的尺寸是否與天父的對齊, 最後, 他很諒訝! 並宣告: 新娘的每一腳步正确地與父親的步伐對齊. 另一位神的使者大聲宣告: 成了. 天上的使者立時吹響號角, 喜慶的聲音四起.
我聽見好像群衆的聲音, 衆水的聲音, 大雷的聲音, 說: 哈利路亞! 因爲主我們的神, 全能者, 作王了. 我們要歡喜快樂, 將榮耀歸給衪; 因爲羔羊婚娶的時侯到了, 新婦也自己預備好了, 就蒙恩得穿光明潔白的細麻衣 (這細麻衣就是聖徒所行的義.) 天使吩咐我, 說: 你要寫上: 凡被請赴羔羊之婚筵的有福了! 又對我說: 這是神真實的話.”(啓示錄19:6-9)
畫中的鴿子代表聖靈, 天父差遣聖靈保惠師來, 叫衪永遠與我們同在., 成就父神創世之前所定的終极目標:神的獨生愛子與衪榮耀的新婦合而爲一.
起初,我看到這異象時, 不明白地上的紅線是代表什麽, 我求問主, 衪告訴我:這紅線是主耶穌用衪的寶血立約的記號. 衪流出的寶血爲衪新婦付了贖價, 這紅線更是天父的慈繩愛索(何西阿書11:4) 我們的一生都是衪用慈繩愛索來引導我們, 直到我們與主面對面.
就如神從創立世界以前, 在基督裏揀選了我們, 使我們在衪面前成爲聖潔, 無有瑕疵. (以弗所書1:4)
我們籍著愛子的血, 得蒙救贖, 過犯得以赦免, 乃是照衪豐富的恩典. 這恩典是神用諸般智慧聰明, 充充足足賞給我們的,都是照衪自己所預定的美意, 叫我們知道衪旨意的奧秘: 要照所安排的, 在日期滿足的時候, 使天上, 地上一切所有的, 都在基督裏同歸于一.( 以弗所書1:7-10)

看哪!天父已為衪的兒子迎娶新婦准備好一切.現在就是耶穌基督的新婦預備好自己, 靈魂体與天父的旨意對齊的時刻, 阿爸父, 願你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上!

One day, the Lord showed me a vision: I saw our Heavenly Father preparing for His Son’s wedding. I was deeply touched by the love of God. My deepest thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for His revelation to His bride, the church and for His love and mercy that enabled me to finish this painting. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the bridegroom who loves us and waits for us to mature who worthy of all the glory and love!
This painting shows the wedding that the Father is preparing for His son and His bride. The glory of God fills the entire wedding hall. The Bridegroom, the Lord Jesus Christ, stands on high and he gazes intently, waiting for His bride. Myriads of angels surround Him, brilliant light radiates from Him, and radiant glory cover the Holy angels and the surrounding walls and pillars with a gold cast. When the time comes, the Father of the Bride leads her up the aisle to meet her Beloved Bridegroom, who is waiting eagerly for her. Holding the hand of the beautiful and pure young bride, He walks with her step by step; the bride walks in synchronized steps with the Father. A long red thread is set on the floor all the way to the stairs and with every step, the bride steps on a knot along the thread. The angels watch excitedly as the Father walks the bride step by step towards the Bridegroom. Several angels follow closely behind the bride measuring and checking every step to ensure each step is in alignment to the Father’s. A voice announced: “Every step is exactly the same size.” Then another angel proclaimed: “It is finished.” Immediately the angels blow the trumpets and sounds of joyful celebration rise up.
Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear. (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints). Then the angel said to me, Write: Blessed are whose who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb.” And he added, These are the true words of God. (Rev. 19:6-9)
The dove in the painting represents the Holy Spirit whom the Father sent to be with us forever. The Holy Spirit sanctifies God’s chosen bride to become one with the Bridegroom, to become His glorious bride. When the Lord showed me this vision, I really didn’t understand why there was a long red thread set on the floor, so I asked the Lord what it meant? He told me that it is the cords of loving kindness of the Lord (Hosea 11:4). Our heavenly Father leads us with His cords of loving kindness all through our lives till we see the Lord face to face. The red thread is also the symbol of a blood covenant. Jesus, our divine bridegroom, paid the price for His bride’s redemption by the shedding of His own blood. He died on the cross as the atonement for our sins, and His sacrifice reconciled us to God.
For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight… In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. And He made known to us the mystery of His will according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Christ to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment – to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ. (Ephesians 1: 4, 7-10)

Painting by Jean Long in Vancouver BC

September 11, 2011