油畫 Acrylic Painting

Size: 40″ X 48″

SKU#: OP0023



2012年2月的一天, 當我和幾位姐妹敬拜神的時候, 我靈裡看到一個異象: 在波濤洶湧的大海上, 有一雙巨大的手, 側面看上去又似船, 托著一個睡得甜美的嬰孩. 在驚濤海浪的風暴中, 嬰孩似乎不知道在他四周所發生的一切, 因為那雙巨大的手保護著他, 使他平靜安穩,不受傷害。
許多時候,我們的人生會經歷許多驚濤海浪的風暴, 我們天然的人的本能就是驚恐,害怕, 爭紮, 甚至會埋怨神. 然而,我們所信的神是掌管風浪的主, 祂是無所不知, 無所不能, 無所不在的全能者, 祂又是愛我們的阿爸父神. 祂知道並能夠保護自己的兒女. 祂應許我們: 婦人焉能忘記他吃奶嬰孩, 不憐恤他所生的兒子. 即或有忘記的, 我卻不忘記你.(以賽亞書49:15)
許多天父的兒女都曾經歷過危難中神的拯救, 也知道祂的信實. 但當我們的信心不足之時, 困境中我們還是會懼怕和爭紮. 阿爸父神又勉厲我們: 主耶和華以色列的聖者曾如此說,你們得救在乎歸回安息,你們得力在乎平靜安穩。(以賽亞書30:15)
親愛的阿爸父神,當我們身處波濤洶湧的風暴中時, 祢是我們的避難,是我們的山寨,是我們所依靠的; 祢是掌管風浪的主,我們信靠,安息並知道祢是我們的神!
As I was worshipping with some sisters on Feb, 2012, I saw a vision: A huge pair of hands which looked like a boat seen sideways holding a sleeping baby in a stormy sea. In the raging sea, the baby didn’t seen to be aware of what was happening around him, because the protective hands gave him rest and safety. Often times we may face huge storms in our lives and our natural reaction would be to be fearful, to struggle, and even to complain to God. Yet the God whom we believe is the Lord of the wind and waves. He is the Almighty one who is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. He is also our loving Abba, Father. He knows and He is able to protect His children.
He has promised us: Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! (Isa 49:15)
Many of God’s children have experienced His help in danger and know His faithfulness. But when our faith is weak, we would still be afraid and struggle in times of trouble. Again, Abba, Father exhorts us, This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength. (Isa 30:15)
Heavenly Papa wants His children to trust Him in simple faith, just like the baby resting in God’s Almighty hands.
Dear Abba, Father, “In the midst of our storms, You are our refuge, our fortress, in whom we trust. You are the Lord of the wind and waves. We trust, rest and know that You are God!

Painting by Jean Long in Vancouver BC February12, 2012