油畫  Oil Painting  

Size: 30″ X 40″

SKU# OP006



畫中的千千萬萬的鷹代表神的兒女,他們超越地上的人和事物的捆綁,沖破屬地的限制勇敢地飛向天際, 飛進神的心意裏。 在飛越過程中,在回家路上會遇見許多的艱難險阻和肉體軟弱的掙紮, 但最終靠著聖靈的大能大力, 一同飛到阿爸父的懷抱。如火焰般的色彩代表天父的心,天父的愛,天父的熱情; 那璀燦的色彩代表父神的心在跳躍, 因為看到自己所愛的兒女能同心同行回家。
“看哪, 耶和華大而可畏之日末到以前, 我必差遣先知以利亞到妳們那裏去. 他必使父親的們轉向兒女, 兒女的心也轉向父親, 免得我來咒詛遍地。” (瑪拉基書4:5-6)

When Pastor Zhao told us that the main theme of the Chinese Gathering 2010 conference in Hong Kong was “HOMECOMING,” a picture of birds returning to their nest suddenly appeared before my eyes. I immediately sketched down what I had envisioned, while worshipping my Lord.
The large number of eagles in the painting represents God’s children, flying high above the earth’s people and free from all the world’s worries, breaking away from the confines of the earth and flying into the bosom of God. During the journey away from the world, there’s a lot of danger and struggle, but by the power of the Holy Spirit leads them into the Father’s heart. The fiery red colour represents Our heavenly Father’s heart and His passion and excitement at welcoming His children, as the children unity in the Lord with their hearts in love towards Father. The colourful eagles represent the children of God and the colours are the reflection of God’s glory.

“See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD come. He will turn the heart of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse.” Malachi 4:5-6
“At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home I will give you honour and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes,” Zephaniah 3:20

I would also like to thank and honour my husband who has been a wonderful support to me all these years and especially while I was completing this work of art.

Painting by Jean Long in Vancouver BC   
May 5, 2010